Computational Discrete Geometry

Spring 2007

Student Research Projects

Anastasia Chavez & Chris O'Neill Ehrhart quasipolynomials I, II & III
Brendan Colloran Proximity graphs I, II & III
Philipp Richter Alpha shapes I & II
Ido Heskia Image segmentation I & II
Arash Farahmand Frobenius problem
Connie Phong Reconstructing time series I, II & III
Tim Lee Protein sequencing I, II & III
Yelena Gartsman Hausdorff distance I, II & III

Schedule of final presentations

May 3: Tim, Brendan, Nacha, and Chris
May 10: Philipp, Yelena, Connie, and Ido

Here are some instructions and suggestions for the final presentations.

Suggested Projects